Monday, October 14, 2013

Seventh Drawing for 31 Days of Halloween

Everyone's favorite clown, Pennywise!  I'm pretty disappointed in this one.  I'll most likely go back and re-do this one, if I have time at the end.

Sixth 31 Days of Halloween Drawing!

Latest 31 days of Halloween drawing.  Norman Bates and his lovely Mother.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Fifth Drawing for 31 Days of Halloween - THE EXORCIST

THE EXORCIST has always been one of the my favorite horror films.  For me, it was one of the first films to take a horror high concept seriously and execute it realistically.  It's rightfully a classic, and I could watch it just about anytime.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Non-31 Days of Halloween

Switched up for this one.  Not a Halloween drawing - unless you're really scared of him - and more of a traditional ink job, rather than the more shadows-only stuff I've been doing for the Halloween drawings.

Unfortunately, Hulk doesn't do bows.

Fourth 31 Days of Halloween Entry

Here's a pic of a movie killer who's a bit more obscure.  Madman Marz from the more obscure '80s horror flick MADMAN.  Loads of fun, as I kind of like the movie.  Not the greatest horror flick, but Marz himself is a brutal, no-nonsense killer.  He doesn't really talk, and doesn't waste time offing his victims.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


I haven't really been doing a '31 days of Halloween' movie-watching marathon, but I did manage to pop in the first two HALLOWEEN films  in a row the other day.  Hadn't seen either in a while, so it was nice to experience them again.  As you've heard from tons of other people, I'm sure, the movie is rightfully a classic.  As much fun as Rob Zombie's remake was, the nothing really touches the original.  Recommended that you see it again.
And HALLOWEEN II, while not as technically good as the original, still has some fun bits.  The brutal killing of the teenager home alone, the syringes used in very creative murdery ways, and others.

Third 31 Days of Halloween Piece

Here's my Jason Voorhees drawing for the 31 days.  I'm trying to think of these almost as portraits of these monsters, more than anything else.

Second Drawing for 31 Days of Halloween

The 31 days roll on!  Here's a pic of Freddy Krueger, that I had a flash of inspiration on.  This is my favorite, so far.

Good God!  It's been nearly two years since I opened this and haven't posted much at all.  Maybe I should fix that?  Here's some drawings I'm doing for the 31 days of Halloween.  I'm only three drawings in at the moment (today being the 5th, I'm behind, obviously), but I'm catching up now.  Enjoy this pic of the Tall Man from PHANTASM.  :D